Academic Background

C). Philosophy, Humanities, and Social Sciences

  • Program: Interdisciplinary Studies
    Specialization: Philosophy of Art, Culture, and Cognition (PACC)

    This program offers a comprehensive examination of the connections among aesthetics, art critique, and psychology. It emphasizes emotional and cognitive responses to art and how these responses inform broader cultural (political-religious) and ethical frameworks. The curriculum is designed to bridge philosophical inquiry with empirical psychological insights, facilitating a nuanced understanding of contemporary artistic practices.

    Focus Areas:

    1. Aesthetics and Art Critique:

      • Exploration of philosophical foundations of art and beauty.
      • Critical analysis of artistic movements and their socio-cultural implications.
      • Examination of modern and contemporary art through various aesthetic theories.
    2. Psychology of Art:

      • Study of emotional and cognitive engagement with art.
      • Investigation of how psychological factors influence art perception and interpretation.
      • Understanding the therapeutic and transformative potential of art in individual and collective contexts.
    3. Theology and Philosophy of Religion:

      • Analysis of the psychological influences on theological beliefs and spiritual experiences.
      • Exploration of the relationship between art and religion, focusing on how art expresses, critiques, or propagates religious ideals.
      • Examination of ethical implications arising from theological and philosophical inquiries into art.
    4. Cultural Studies and Political Theory:

      • Examination of the interplay between art and cultural identity, including representation and inclusivity.
      • Analysis of art as a form of political discourse, propaganda, and social critique.
      • Exploration of how psychological insights inform societal structures, governance, and civic engagement.
    5. Historiography of the Arts:

      • Investigation of the historical narratives surrounding artistic movements through a psychological lens.
      • Critical analysis of how historical context shapes artistic expression and reception.
      • Exploration of the role of art in reflecting and shaping socio-political realities.

B).  Arts and Humanities

Department: Luxury Branding and Fine Arts
Focus Area: Art and Cultural Heritage Studies
Specialization: Western Fine Art Conservation and Curation 
  1. Art Historical Preservation:

    • Explore various methods and practices for conserving and restoring artworks, focusing on materials, techniques, and historical contexts.
    • Assess the significance of provenance and authenticity in the preservation of art historical narratives.
  2. Curation and Exhibition Strategy:

    • Develop strategies for presenting and interpreting artworks in galleries, museums, and other cultural venues.
    • Emphasize the importance of contextualizing art within relevant cultural, historical, and social frameworks to enhance audience engagement.
  3. Cultural Heritage Management:

    • Identify best practices for managing art collections and cultural artifacts, considering ethical, legal, and professional standards.
    • Explore the role of cultural heritage in contemporary society and its impact on community identity.

Short Description:

The specialization in Western Fine Art Conservation and Curation focuses on the study and preservation of Western artistic traditions. It combines hands-on approaches to conservation with the theory and practice of digital curation. The program prepares students to effectively conserve, curate, and manage art collections in a way that honors artistic heritage while engaging contemporary audiences.

A). Social Sciences and Politics
Department: Political Science and International Relations
Focus Area: Political Marketing and Communication in International Relations
Specialization: National Security and Science, Technology, and Society (STS) Communication

Key Points:

  1. Strategic Defense (DEF ATS):

    • Analysis of modern strategic defense concepts and their applications in international relations.
    • Examination of the intersection of defense policy and public diplomacy in shaping global security narratives.
  2. Cyberwarfare:

    • Study of cyberconflict as a dimension of national security and international relations.
    • Investigation of cyberwarfare strategies and counter-strategies, along with the implications for global cybersecurity.
  3. Digital Diplomacy:

    • Examination of the role of digital technologies in shaping diplomatic relations and international communication.
    • Analysis of the challenges and opportunities arising from the increasing reliance on digital platforms for diplomatic engagement.

Short Description:

The specialization in National Security and STS Communication explores the intersection of science, technology, and international relations, focusing on national security, digital diplomacy, and strategic defense. It prepares students to navigate the complex dynamics of global security, emphasizing the importance of effective communication, public diplomacy, and strategic engagement in an era of increasing international competition.

Focus on European Security Studies:

This program also delves into the intricacies of European security, considering the dynamics of international organizations, national interests, and collective security efforts. Through in-depth analysis of these factors, students gain a nuanced understanding of security challenges in Europe and the role of effective communication in mitigating these threats.

Emphasis on National Security and Strategic Studies:

The program places a strong emphasis on the theoretical and practical dimensions of national security, including propaganda, cyberwarfare, and intelligence operations. By examining these concepts through the lens of national security and STS communication, students develop a comprehensive understanding of the security landscape and the skills necessary to navigate its complexities.

                                                                              Professional Role and Experience: 2016-Present

With a foundation comprising 15 years of experience in marketing, the Founder, Director, and Editor-in-Chief of Artesane Studio Magazine occupies a dynamic and multifaceted role. This position is primarily focused on the formulation and implementation of the publication's editorial strategy, which entails a diverse array of responsibilities including writing, research, the conceptualization of marketing initiatives, the development of a cohesive visual brand identity, and the facilitation of online engagement and community-building efforts. Such an integrative approach fosters the creation of a coherent and innovative narrative that effectively resonates with the target audience.

Editorial oversight is exercised through the definition of the magazine's strategic direction and tone, ensuring that both the created and curated content aligns with the publication's overarching mission and vision. This process involves shaping discourse and establishing central themes for each issue, thereby reflecting a steadfast commitment to maintaining the magazine's editorial integrity.

An analysis of the editorial approach reveals a profound understanding of the complexities involved in cultivating a distinct editorial voice. This insight underscores an appreciation for the interplay between content, format, and audience. Such understanding is informed by a solid foundation in editorial theory and practice, which enables the adept navigation of the relationships among reader engagement, content creation, and the mechanics of publication production.

Publications Examples:

  1. –. (2024, May 15). *The phenomenology of transcendence: A study of the paradox of life and death, with a metadiscourse on the Holy Trinity*. Interdisciplinary essay. ASM.
  2. –. (2024, March 4). *The fragility of faith and redemption: A philosophical reflection on sin and divinity*. Interdisciplinary essay. ASM.
  3. –. (2024, February 29). *Recenzia cărții: "Cultura modernă pe înțelesul oamenilor inteligenți", de Roger Scruton*. Thematic review academic paper. ASM.
  4. –. (2024, February 25). *Arta transgresivă în România postmodernistă. Cultura urâtului: de la Art Safari la Hidra din Iași*. Research paper. ASM.
  5. –. (2024, February 17). *Lenevirea și vocația: O explorare transformativă în filosofia și mistica creștină medievală. Studiul predicilor lui Meister Eckhart*. Research paper. ASM.
  6. –. (2024, February 12). *În apărarea filozofiei creștine de dogmatismul formal și nihilismul puritan*. Interdisciplinary academic paper. ASM.
  7. –. (2024, January 17). *Acedia în literatura și filosofia medievală: Studiu comparativ: De la Boethius și Dante la Hildegard von Bingen, Sfântul Ioan al Crucii și Marguerite Porete*. Research paper.ASM.
  8. –. (2024, January 10). *Plictisul ca simbol al rupturii de transcendență în filosofia și teologia medievală: O analiză a perspectivelor lui Augustin și Toma d'Aquino*. Research paper. ASM.
  9. –. (2023, December 31). *Kabbalah and Hermetic Qabalah: A comparative analysis of philosophical and psychological implications on the concept of polarity within the Tree of Life*. Research paper. ASM.
  10. –. (2023, October 2). *Recenzia cărții: "Despre natura umană", de Roger Scruton*. Review paper. ASM.
  11. –. (2023, September 22). *O analiză asupra propagandei din perspectiva lui Jacques Ellul*. Review research paper. ASM.


This data highlights the magazine's significant impact and engagement in the contemporary media landscape.

  • Traffic Sources: The primary sources organic traffic include search engines, Pinterest, and social media platforms.
  • Diverse Audience Metrics: The readership encompasses a diverse demographic, including scholars, students, educators, and enthusiasts from around the globe, specifically in the USA, EU, UAE, IS, and AS. Age distribution ranges from 20-35, 40-55, and 60-65.
  • User Engagement: The average time retention across multiple channels exceeds 30 minutes.
  • Visitor Registration: 62,747 individuals visited the website in 2024. Supporting documentation, including screenshots from the server provider statistic, is available in the social media highlights.
  • Organic Reach: The magazine currently boasts a readership of 400,000 organic readers. Verification of this data can be provided through screenshots from the server provider statistics, which are available on social media stories.

Honors & Awards

GGA Director Romania | Brand Ambassador Romania

Awarded by Global Goodwill Ambassadors in December 2017


  1. Writing: Recognized by Frank T. Kryza and others (87 endorsements)
  2. Cultural Public Relations (PR): Endorsed by Richard DiPilla and others (86 endorsements)
  3. Luxury Branding, Visual Design, and Strategic OSM Marketing: Supported by Anthony J. James and others (80 endorsements)

Language Proficiency

  1. Business English: Full professional proficiency
  2. English: Native or bilingual proficiency
  3. Spanish: Limited working proficiency
  4. French: Medium professional working proficiency
  5. German: Elementary proficiency
  6. Italian: Limited working proficiency
  7. Romanian: Native or bilingual proficiency
  8. Classical Languages
  9. + others

                                                                                The Editor's View

Editorial Philosophy: Storytelling Through Visual Culture

The editorial philosophy underpinning Artesane Studio Magazine is firmly anchored in the principles of authenticity, creativity, and a willingness to engage with uncertainty. This approach is informed by Aristotelian ethics, which posits that virtues are nurtured through practice, and is further enriched by insights drawn from autoethnography, which emphasizes the significance of personal experience and interpretation in the quest for understanding within diverse contexts. Central to this philosophy is the notion of "kairos"—the opportune moment—permitting calculated risks in the pursuit of innovative branding strategies.

In the domain of curation, a conscious effort is made to interrogate prevailing narratives and to stimulate critical reflection. We acknowledge the profound impact of visual culture on the formation of perceptions, asserting that effective storytelling requires a sophisticated interplay of aesthetics, semiotic richness, and conceptual profundity. The strategic deployment of visual elements is intended to catalyze meaning-making, fostering an environment that encourages critical engagement and nurtures a deeper comprehension of the social and cultural frameworks in which these visual components are embedded.

A Semiotic Perspective on Fine Art Photography

From a semiotic perspective, fine art photography can be understood as a complex signifying practice that engenders meaning through the intentional arrangement of visual elements. The camera lens functions as a critical instrument for the capture and representation of reality, effectively inscribing meaning onto the image as shaped by the photographer's intentions, experiences, and intrinsic biases. This constructed representation is subsequently mediated through the editing process, wherein creative decisions significantly influence the final outcome. As a result, fine art photography plays an active role in shaping perceptions of reality, profoundly affecting the ways in which individuals interpret and engage with their environment.

The Role of Fine Art Photography in Visual Identity

Within Artesane Studio Magazine, fine art photography is pivotal in sculpting the publication's visual identity by:

  • Establishing a Distinct Aesthetic: Fine art photography contributes to the creation of a unique visual identity-lexicon that differentiates the magazine from its contemporaries, setting it apart in a competitive landscape.

  • Reinforcing Intellectual and Aesthetic Ethos: The integration of fine art photography serves to uphold and perpetuate the publication's intellectual and aesthetic values, promoting a coherent narrative across successive issues.

  • Influencing Reader Engagement: The incorporation of fine art photography invites readers to engage more intimately with the content, thereby facilitating a richer and more immersive reading experience.

  • Cultivating Emotional Connections: Through evocative imagery, fine art photography establishes emotional resonances with readers, thereby deepening their affinity and investment in the publication.

This inquiry into the interplay between fine art photography and visual identity seeks to illuminate the mechanisms by which visual narratives are constructed and upheld within art and culture-oriented periodicals, contributing to a broader understanding of the role of visual media in contemporary discourse.

Graphic Design: Form and Function

In addition to editorial and photographic contributions, bespoke template designs manifest a nuanced artistic vision alongside a comprehensive understanding of the foundational principles of graphic design, typography, and visual communication. By synthesizing the dual aspects of form and function, these templates facilitate an organic integration of aesthetic appeal and conceptual rigor. They serve as effective mediums for the articulation of complex narratives and ideas, both within Artesane Studio Magazine and in collaboration with various cultural institutions.  

Here are examples of graphic design templates:

1. Website Templates: Pre-designed layouts for enhancing user experience.

2. Infographic Templates: Visual structures for succinctly representing data.

3. Presentation Templates: Engaging designs for professional slide decks.

4. Social Media Templates: Customizable graphics for posts and promotions.

5. Brochure Templates: Layouts for printed product and service information.

6. Marketing Collateral Templates: Designs for branding and promotional materials.

7. Report Templates: Structured formats for professional reports.

8. Event/ Social Media Content Calendar Templates: Designs for event schedules or SMCC and information.

A selection of the design work is presented below. 


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